Sunday, December 30, 2018
The cost of IVF course 6000$
If you have questions or need additional information, I would be happy to answer if you contact me Email Joseph E.
The list of required data when requesting:
1 Where are you from?
2 In what month are you planning to come?
3 Name (specify title in the letter), marital status, age.
4 Period of living together, the period of infertility.
5 Transmitted operations (in case of missed abortion indicate the reason and at what time).
6 The first day of the last menstruation (cycle). 7 Hormones FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone), Estradiol, TSH, Prolactin, AMH. 8 Check for pipe flow. 9 Other medications available in your arms. 10 Analyzes semen.
Stenting of the heart vessel in Korea
Stenting of the heart vessels in Korea
Professor Kim Jin Bae specializes in: arrhythmia, electrophysiological examination, automatic defibrillators, syncope, acquired heart defects, arteriosclerosis, heart failure.
Stenting of cardiac vessels is an effective minimally invasive operation aimed at restoring the lumen of the narrowed arteries and normalizing the process of cardiac blood supply. This procedure becomes a necessary method of treatment, since drugs can only relieve symptoms of angina pectoris and temporarily alleviate the patient's condition. After stenting, special preparations are assigned to the patient, aimed at preventing the formation of new blood clots.
The procedure for installing a stent occurs when a puncture of the artery (femur or brachial) with a special needle. Through it, a catheter is inserted into the artery, which moves the stand to the zone of narrowing of the artery. As soon as the doctor reaches the home narrowing, the stand straightens out and presses into the artery walls unnecessary compaction, expands them and strengthens them from the inside. When you finish installing the stand for the next day, you can get up and move.
On the following day, the patient is allowed to get up and move. Exercise should be limited.
Get a program with treatment prices in Korea
If you have any questions or you need additional information about vascular stenting, I would be glad if you contact me by E-mail:
Stenting of cardiac vessels is an effective minimally invasive operation aimed at restoring the lumen of the narrowed arteries and normalizing the process of cardiac blood supply. This procedure becomes a necessary method of treatment, since drugs can only relieve symptoms of angina pectoris and temporarily alleviate the patient's condition. After stenting, special preparations are assigned to the patient, aimed at preventing the formation of new blood clots.
The procedure for installing a stent occurs when a puncture of the artery (femur or brachial) with a special needle. Through it, a catheter is inserted into the artery, which moves the stand to the zone of narrowing of the artery. As soon as the doctor reaches the home narrowing, the stand straightens out and presses into the artery walls unnecessary compaction, expands them and strengthens them from the inside. When you finish installing the stand for the next day, you can get up and move.
On the following day, the patient is allowed to get up and move. Exercise should be limited.
Get a program with treatment prices in Korea
If you have any questions or you need additional information about vascular stenting, I would be glad if you contact me by E-mail:
Friday, December 28, 2018
Implanter Pen FUE Hair transplantation
The Pen FUE tool allows you to remove grafts and this is called a unit of transplant material that contains one or more hair “follicles” (follicles) and transplants them, minimizing damage to the scalp. The technology of seamless transplantation implies careful removal of hair grafts one at a time and the same careful replanting, one at a time, into the empty hairline area. During transplantation, the doctor carefully observes the natural boundaries of the hair, the angle at which they grow to the scalp, and the direction of growth. The diameter of the punch needle is very thin and is selected for each client individually, taking into account the characteristics of his hair and skin. Therefore, the traces of the intervention disappear within a few days after the operation, and there are no scars and cicatrices left. Graft survival is 97 percent of transplanted follicles.
Using the Implanter Pen FUE method for Hair transplantation.
The creation of the Implanter Pen FUE method was the impetus for the popularization of the method of seamless hair transplantation that does not leave scars and scalp.. Hair transplantation using the Implanter Pen FUE method is done on almost any area of the head, face and body. Replanting grafts from the occipital zone, doctors can completely close the bald area in another part of the head. At the same time, the hair covering of the occipital zone will not suffer - the follicles are removed one by one, carefully, without damaging the neighboring hair bulbs, which eliminates the thinning of the donor area. Replanting grafts from the occipital zone, doctors can completely close the bald area in another part of the head. At the same time, the hair covering of the occipital zone will not suffer - the follicles are removed one by one, carefully, without damaging the neighboring hair bulbs, which eliminates the thinning of the donor area. Replanting grafts from the occipital zone, doctors can completely close the bald area in another part of the head. At the same time, the hair covering of the occipital zone will not suffer - the follicles are removed one by one, carefully, without damaging the neighboring hair bulbs, which eliminates the thinning of the donor area.
Thanks to photographs of the results obtained from clients, everyone can independently evaluate the results of hair transplantation and then decide whether to decide on transplantation using the Implanter Pen FUE seamless method. As you can see in the photo, hair transplantation using the Implanter Pen FUE method gives a unique result - it is impossible to visually identify the area with transplanted hair. Even the front hairline looks completely natural.
For advice, you can send your photos to the email address
Sincerely, Joseph E.
# treatment as soon as # treatment of oncology # examination # complex examination of the organization more quickly # urgent # organization of examination and treatment in short
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Price for breast cancer screening and treatment.
Price for breast cancer screening and treatment.
Receiving a request for a particular disease, everyone wants to know how much the examination and treatment in Korea will cost them.
Here is one example of breast cancer.
The cost of 2,577,330 won (approximately $ 2,431) included breast MRI, PET CT scan of the whole body, blood test, ECG, X-ray, unrolled biopsy
The cost of $ 1,318,230 won (approximately $ 1,243) included mammography, breast ultrasound, biopsy
Second mammologist reception
Primary reception of the mammologist
Reception of the oncologist for the purpose of treatment
Here is one example of breast cancer.
The cost of 2,577,330 won (approximately $ 2,431) included breast MRI, PET CT scan of the whole body, blood test, ECG, X-ray, unrolled biopsy
The cost of $ 1,318,230 won (approximately $ 1,243) included mammography, breast ultrasound, biopsy
Second mammologist reception
Primary reception of the mammologist
Reception of the oncologist for the purpose of treatment
Biopsy showed infiltrative-carcinoma of the mammary gland.
Assigned 8 courses of chemotherapy and undergoing chemotherapy operation.
Immediately after the examination, chemotherapy began, hospitalization for one day.
The initial cost included: installation of a chemoport, X-ray, ultrasound of the heart (this is compulsory before passing chemotherapy), a label for finding education, a medicine for the first chemotherapy.
The cost of 3,484,714 won (about $ 3,281)
Intravenous injection therapy.
In this case, daily stress, bad habits (alcohol, overeating, smoking, lack of sleep, etc.) are the most common harmful causes of the onset of all human ailments in the modern world. Back in 1970, American doctor Jones Myers began to treat fatigue with multivitamin injections.Thanks to the injection, the treatment effect was achieved faster. In our center, you can not only be examined by the body, receive treatment, but also receive an intravenous multivitamin injection. Intravenous injection therapy helps to quickly support your body. Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who has never heard of the need to take vitamins and minerals.Everyone accepts them. But people with age often have a problem with the absorption of vitamins by the body. Therefore, in order for the body to receive the necessary dose of minerals and vitamin, it is necessary to replenish your body with multivitamin injections.
Intravenous injection therapy.
Chronic Fatigue Clinic (Intravenous Injection Therapy)
In this case, daily stress, bad habits (alcohol, overeating, smoking, lack of sleep, etc.) are the most common harmful causes of the onset of all human ailments in the modern world. Back in 1970, American doctor Jones Myers began to treat fatigue with multivitamin injections.Thanks to the injection, the treatment effect was achieved faster. In our center, you can not only be examined by the body, receive treatment, but also receive an intravenous multivitamin injection. Intravenous injection therapy helps to quickly support your body. Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who has never heard of the need to take vitamins and minerals.Everyone accepts them. But people with age often have a problem with the absorption of vitamins by the body. Therefore, in order for the body to receive the necessary dose of minerals and vitamin, it is necessary to replenish your body with multivitamin injections.
Vitamin injection - “Myers Cocktail”
The basic vitamin dropper 200ml includes:
- garlic injection, including a compound of vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and aniline,
- a injection of Licorice Ural, including hydrolyzed porcine liver and vitamin B2
- Thioctacid (lipoic acid, also called injections) "Cinderella")
- Magnesium for stress and cell activation,
- Vitamin C for antioxidation effect
This composition is effective for improving the symptom in the presence of asthma, migraine, chronic fatigue, pain associated with fibromyalgia, depression, for Olevanov cardiovascular system, upper respiratory infections, allergic rhinitis, drug dependence, chronic skin rash, hyperthyroidism etc.
Magnesium activates the cell membrane, which can cause the penetration of potassium into the cell. For sensitive people, this may cause slight dizziness, but it will be enough to drink a glass of orange juice to restore the level of potassium and the symptom will pass.
Why do we call the injection “garlic injection”?
The main ingredient in garlic injection is vitamin B1, the main ingredient of which is Thiamine and Fursultamine. Both substances are assimilated very quickly, therefore, when preparing a drug, the main garlic substance Aniline Anyllate is used, and when Anilin is dissolved in the blood, these two substances are secreted through the respiratory receptors, so the person who receives the injection can smell garlic.
At the first stage, Vitamin B1 in the liver produces a detoxifying effect of PDH (pyruvate dehydrogenase-pyruvate dehydrogenase). The five substances that act on this PDH reaction are α-lipoic acid, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin) and B5 (pantothenate) for vitamin B and diabetic neuritis. PDH acts on the production of ATP by converting nutrients, such as sugar in the blood, amino acids and fatty acids, to acetyl CoA and introducing it into the TCA scheme. PDH acts on the production of ATP by transforming nutrients, such as blood sugar, amino acid and fatty acid into the liver, into acetyl-CoA and injecting it into the TCA target.
Why do we call the injection “Cinderella injection”?
The Cinderella injection relieves constant fatigue, excess weight, improves skin color and elasticity, slows down the aging process, improves immunity and brightens the skin.
Yours Sincerely Joseph E.
Yours Sincerely Joseph E.
cardiovascular system and metabolic activity Injections
cardiovascular system and metabolic activity Injections
Dear friends, Let me introduce you to the injection for cardiovascular system and metabolic activity.
Everyone knows that our body is a very complex mechanism. And to explain the ailments, uncomfortable well-being without a scrupulous and detailed examination is impossible. The result of the survey is often associated with a lack or poor digestibility of vitamins and minerals, which causes our various ailments. "Delivery" of nutrients in the body are engaged in "real hardiki ”- large and small blood vessels. Their active work is possible only if the cardiovascular system is kept in tone, feeding it with preventive injections, such as injections for the cardiovascular system and metabolic activity.Intravenous infusions contain 5 minerals (selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, chromium), vitamin B1 (thiamine), lipoic acid, magnesium, and L-carnitine. This composition is effective for improving symptoms in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The combination of five essential minerals helps with the second stage of detoxification (cleansing) baking, through the substitution effect of bivalent metal ions,
If you have any questions or you need additional information on the examination or treatment in Seoul (South Korea), I will be glad to help you.
Everyone knows that our body is a very complex mechanism. And to explain the ailments, uncomfortable well-being without a scrupulous and detailed examination is impossible. The result of the survey is often associated with a lack or poor digestibility of vitamins and minerals, which causes our various ailments. "Delivery" of nutrients in the body are engaged in "real hardiki ”- large and small blood vessels. Their active work is possible only if the cardiovascular system is kept in tone, feeding it with preventive injections, such as injections for the cardiovascular system and metabolic activity.Intravenous infusions contain 5 minerals (selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, chromium), vitamin B1 (thiamine), lipoic acid, magnesium, and L-carnitine. This composition is effective for improving symptoms in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The combination of five essential minerals helps with the second stage of detoxification (cleansing) baking, through the substitution effect of bivalent metal ions,
If you have any questions or you need additional information on the examination or treatment in Seoul (South Korea), I will be glad to help you.
Vitamin injections
Vitamin injections - "Myers Cocktail"
Dear friends!
Let us talk about one type of vitamin injection - optimized intravenous "Myers Cocktail"
Let us talk about one type of vitamin injection - optimized intravenous "Myers Cocktail"
The composition of the basic vitamin dropper 200ml includes:
garlic injection comprising a compound of vitamin B1 (Thiamine), and aniline,
injection Licorice Ural comprising hydrolysed porcine liver and vitamin B2
Thioctacid (lipoic acid, also called injection "Cinderella»),
Magnesium for stress and activation of cells,
Vitamin C for antioxidant effect
This compound is effective for improving a symptom in the presence of asthma, migraine, chronic fatigue, pains in fibromyalgia, depression, diseases of the cardiovascular system, infections of the upper respiratory tract rhinitis, drug dependence, chronic skin rashes, hyperthyroidism, etc.
injection Licorice Ural comprising hydrolysed porcine liver and vitamin B2
Thioctacid (lipoic acid, also called injection "Cinderella»),
Magnesium for stress and activation of cells,
Vitamin C for antioxidant effect
This compound is effective for improving a symptom in the presence of asthma, migraine, chronic fatigue, pains in fibromyalgia, depression, diseases of the cardiovascular system, infections of the upper respiratory tract rhinitis, drug dependence, chronic skin rashes, hyperthyroidism, etc.
Magnesium activates the cell membrane, which can cause the penetration of potassium into the cell. For sensitive people, this may cause slight dizziness, but it will be enough to drink a glass of orange juice to restore the level of potassium and the symptom will pass.
Why do we call the injection “garlic injection”?
The main ingredient in garlic injection is vitamin B1, the main ingredient of which is Thiamine and Fursultamine. Both substances are assimilated very quickly, therefore, when preparing a drug, the main garlic substance Aniline Anyllate is used, and when Anilin is dissolved in the blood, these two substances are secreted through the respiratory receptors, so the person who receives the injection can smell garlic.
At the first stage, Vitamin B1 in the liver produces a detoxifying effect of PDH (pyruvate dehydrogenase-pyruvate dehydrogenase). The five substances that act on this PDH reaction are α-lipoic acid, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin) and B5 (pantothenate) for vitamin B and diabetic neuritis. PDH acts on the production of ATP by converting nutrients, such as sugar in the blood, amino acids and fatty acids, to acetyl CoA and introducing it into the TCA scheme. PDH acts on the production of ATP by transforming nutrients, such as blood sugar, amino acid and fatty acid into the liver, into acetyl-CoA and introduces it into the TCA target.
Why do we call the injection “Cinderella injection”?
The Cinderella injection relieves constant fatigue, excess weight, improves skin color and elasticity, slows down the aging process, improves immunity and brightens the skin.
The Cinderella injection relieves constant fatigue, excess weight, improves skin color and elasticity, slows down the aging process, improves immunity and brightens the skin.
If you have any questions or you need additional information on the examination or treatment in Seoul (South Korea), I will be glad to help you.
Joseph will help you with the necessary information.
Yours Sincerely Joseph E.
Joseph will help you with the necessary information.
Yours Sincerely Joseph E.
Stress and memory improvement Injection.
Stress and memory improvement Injection.
Friends, and again a moment of utility for you. I am sure that there is no man on earth who has never experienced a state of stress. Constant nervous tension leads to the fact that the phrase "I began to forget often," unfortunately, is already becoming something commonplace. Add to this the early aging and a lot of concomitant health deterioration factors. The work of the brain depends on blood circulation in the vessels and capillaries. Together with blood, nutrients and oxygen leave the brain. It is clear that in a healthy organism, the cerebral blood flow “works” independently. But blood circulation may deteriorate, and this is what leads to a slower reaction and memory impairment. To help counter this, in our clinic you can get help in the form of injections from anti-stress and to improve memory. They contain vitamins A and E,L- carnitine for memory recovery. Vitamin B1 helps eliminate chronic fatigue, improve memory, is effective in acute neurological disorders (nystagmus, ataxia) helps relieve within 48 hours. Such intravenous fluids are especially useful for intense mental stress, nervous exhaustion, emotional fatigue, for schoolchildren and students.
If you have any questions or you need additional information on the examination or treatment in Seoul (South Korea), I will be glad to help you.
Joseph will help you with the necessary information.
Sincerely, Joseph E.
Treatment in South Korea without intermediaries
Get all kind of medical care/treatment in South Korea today without intermediaries
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Sunday, December 23, 2018
Get stem cell therapy in Korea
The impossible possible! Biological Research University of Seoul (South Korea) is a stem cell treatment. Stem cells can be derived from fat, bones, teeth, etc. adults. Can be prepared by an efficient, safe for rejuvenation treatment of different diseases from the umbilical cord and cord blood, as they have no immune rejection. Due to the fact that the umbilical cord is involved in the formation and growth of the fetus out of it, you can get the highest number of young stem cells. Stem cells as a result of division and differentiation of many process cycles to form all cell types, specific for the species.
The impossible possible! Biological Research University of Seoul (South Korea) is a stem cell treatment. Stem cells can be derived from fat, bones, teeth, etc. adults. Can be prepared by an efficient, safe for rejuvenation treatment of different diseases from the umbilical cord and cord blood, as they have no immune rejection. Due to the fact that the umbilical cord is involved in the formation and growth of the fetus out of it, you can get the highest number of young stem cells. Stem cells as a result of division and differentiation of many process cycles to form all cell types, specific for the species.
Diseases subject to treatment
nervous system diseases
disease respiratory
diseases of the digestive organs
disease endocrine system
cardiovascular diseases
disease muscles and bones
disease the immune system
tissue damage internal organs
other diseases
Cases subject to treatment
nerve tissue
chronic fatigue
stem cells
serpkletochnaya anemia
heart tissue
immune diseases
blood cells
Crohn's disease
epitalealnye cells
Bern disease
fat cells
liver tissue
muscle tissue
disorders of the vascular system
Parkensona disease
chronic renal failure
Alzheimer's disease
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
traumatic brain injury (atrophy cerebellum)
stroke (palsy)
chronic sclerosis
spinal cord injury
cirrhosis, liver disease
pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema,
diabetes and its complications
myocardial infarction
plastic surgery
If you have any questions or require additional information on other chronic diseases in Seoul (South Korea), I'll be glad to help you.
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CLWH Reproductive Health Clinic in Korea
RUSSIAN CLWH Reproductive Health Clinic in Korea (SIEL) (KOREA, KVANJU) Cost for Ectracorporeal Fertilization (IVF) at Clinic CEL...

RUSSIAN CLWH Reproductive Health Clinic in Korea (SIEL) (KOREA, KVANJU) Cost for Ectracorporeal Fertilization (IVF) at Clinic CEL...
RUSSIAN Treatment of prostate cancer in Korea Effective treatment of prostate cancer in Korea helps patients permane...
Treatment in South Korea without intermediaries. My name is Joseph. I am a consultant for Korean...