Prices for a survey in Korea
Treatment in Korea. Institutes and diagnostic centers at specialized medical centers in Korea are ready to offer a variety of examination programs.
University Hospital offers 20% discount until January 31, 2019
to all diagnostic programs
Take the opportunity to quickly learn about the state of your body without having to make an appointment with numerous specialists. Fast, convenient and without queues and delays.
Getting the results of the survey programs in Korea on the 4-5 day after passing the survey. Disks with CT, PET - CT, MRI, X-ray, etc. issued immediately.
Each of the survey programs of the Köng Kie University Hospital is aimed at general screening and assessment of the body condition and early detection of signs of various diseases and pathologies.
Content of the survey
Cost of examination
with conversion rate
1 $ - 1,060 won
| |
Basic program
Complete blood count: anemia, blood coagulation, leukocytes, platelets, blood group, sugar content, electrolytes (Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, Mg), hyperlipemia, kidney function (BUN, creatinine), liver function (AST, ALT , GGT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, total protein, A / G ratio), thyroid function (T3 triiodine-tyranin, T4 free thyroxin, T TG), hepatitis ( B , C ), syphilis, HIV infection, C-reactive protein, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), rheumatoid factor, gout (uric acid). Onco-markers: liver cancer (AFP), CA15-3 (mammary gland), intestinal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer, (biliary processes (CA19-9), prostate cancer (PSA), ovarian cancer (CA125) . ultrasonography of the abdomen:liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas (amylase), kidneys. Check blood pressure.Ophthalmology: eye examination, eye pressure measurements. Analysis of urine . Body composition test: body fat percentage, body mass index, degree of obesity, body fat percentage in the waist area, evaluation of the daily diet and consultation with a nutritionist. P entgen thorax. ECG.Pulmonary function test. Check teeth, panoramic picture.
Gastroendoscopy with sleeping pills
Women : Mammogram , cervical cancer test
Cost of the program
For men
552,000 won about $ 521
+ colonoscopy
648,000 won approximately $ 611
For women
576,000 won about $ 543
+ colonoscopy
672,000 won approximately $ 634 | |
GREEN program
Complete blood count: anemia, blood coagulation, leukocytes, platelets, blood group, sugar content, electrolytes (Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, Mg), hyperlipemia, kidney function (BUN, creatinine), liver function (AST, ALT , GGT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, total protein, A / G ratio), thyroid function (T3 triiodine-tyranin, T4 free thyroxin, T TG), hepatitis ( B , C ), syphilis, HIV infection, C-reactive protein, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), rheumatoid factor, gout (uric acid). Onco-markers: liver cancer (AFP), CA15-3 (mammary gland), intestinal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer, (biliary processes (CA19-9), prostate cancer (PSA), ovarian cancer (CA125) . ultrasonography of the abdomen:liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas (amylase), kidneys. Check blood pressure.Ophthalmology: eye examination, eye pressure measurements. Urineanalysis Body composition test: body fat percentage, body mass index, degree of obesity, body fat percentage in the waist area, evaluation of the daily diet and consultation with a nutritionist. P entgen thorax. ECG.Pulmonary function test. Check teeth, panoramic picture.
Gastro-endoscopy (with sleeping pills), hepatitis A
Men : Carotid ultrasound, chest CT scan (low radiation).
Women : breast ultrasound, gynecological ultrasound, cervical cancer analysis, screening scan, thyroid gland ultrasound.
Cost of the program
For men
792,000 won about $ 747
For women
924,000 won $ 872 | |
BRONZE program
Complete blood count: anemia, blood coagulation, leukocytes, platelets, blood group, sugar content, electrolytes, hyperlipemia, kidney function, liver function, thyroid function, hepatitis ( B , C ), syphilis, HIV infection, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate ), rheumatoid factor, gout. Onco-markers: liver cancer (AFP), intestinal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer (CA19-9), prostate cancer (PSA), ovarian cancer (CA125). Ultrasound of the abdominal organs: liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys.Check blood pressure. Ophthalmology: eye examination, eye pressure measurements. Urine analysis Body composition test: body fat percentage, body mass index, degree of obesity, body fat percentage in the waist area, evaluation of the daily diet and consultation with a nutritionist. P entgen thorax. ECG. Pulmonary function test. Check teeth, panoramic picture. CT scan of the abdominal cavity (liver, kidneys, bile ducts, gallbladder. Pancreas, spleen, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity),gastroendoscopy-colonoscopy (with sleeping pills).
Men : Carotid Ultrasound, Chest CT ,
Women : Mammogram, thyroid ultrasound, breast ultrasound, gynecological ultrasound,
Cost of the program
For men
1,100,000 won approximately $ 1,038
For women
1 188 000 won approximately $ 1 121 | |
GOLD program
Complete blood count: anemia, blood coagulation, leukocytes, platelets, blood group, sugar content, electrolytes (Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, Mg), hyperlipemia, kidney function (BUN, creatinine), liver function (AST, ALT , GGT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, total protein, A / G ratio), thyroid function (T3 triiodine-tyranin, T4 free thyroxin, T TG), hepatitis ( B , C ), syphilis, HIV infection, C-reactive protein, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), rheumatoid factor, gout (uric acid). Onco-markers: liver cancer (AFP), CA15-3 (mammary gland), intestinal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer, (biliary processes (CA19-9), prostate cancer (PSA), ovarian cancer (CA125) . ultrasonography of the abdomen:liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas (amylase), kidneys. Check blood pressure.Ophthalmology: eye examination, eye pressure measurements. Urineanalysis Body composition test: body fat percentage, body mass index, degree of obesity, body fat percentage in the waist area, evaluation of the daily diet and consultation with a nutritionist. P entgen thorax. ECG.Pulmonary function test. Check teeth, panoramic picture. Gastro-endoscopy - colonoscopy (with sleeping pills), ultrasound of the carotid arteries, ultrasound of the heart, ultrasound of the thyroid gland,chestCT, CT scan of the coronary arteries CT scan of the abdominal cavity
Men : Ultrasound of the prostate gland
Women : mammogram, gynecological ultrasound, breast ultrasound, bone density.
Cost of the program
For men
minus 20%
1,672,000 won
about $ 1,577
For women
minus 20% 1,804,500 won about $ 1,702 | |
VIP GOLDprogram
| Complete blood count: anemia, blood coagulation, leukocytes, platelets, blood group, sugar content, electrolytes (Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, Mg), hyperlipemia, kidney function (BUN, creatinine), liver function (AST, ALT , GGT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, total protein, A / G ratio), thyroid function (T3 triiodine-tyranin, T4 free thyroxin, T TG), hepatitis ( B , C ), syphilis, HIV infection, C-reactive protein, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), rheumatoid factor, gout (uric acid). Onco-markers: liver cancer (AFP), CA15-3 (mammary gland), intestinal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer, (biliary processes (CA19-9), prostate cancer (PSA), ovarian cancer (CA125) . ultrasonography of the abdomen:liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas (amylase), kidneys. Check blood pressure.Ophthalmology: eye examination, eye pressure measurements. Urineanalysis Body composition test: body fat percentage, body mass index, degree of obesity, body fat percentage in the waist area, evaluation of the daily diet and consultation with a nutritionist. P entgen thorax. ECG.Pulmonary function test. Check teeth, panoramic picture.
Men : ultrasound of the prostate gland.
Women : mammogram, gynecological ultrasound, breast ultrasound, heart ultrasound, bone density.
Cost of the program
For men
minus 20% 2,446,400 won about $ 2,308
For women
minus 20% 2 596 000 won approximately $ 2 449 | |
Special program on oncology
Complete blood count: anemia, blood coagulation, leukocytes, platelets, blood group, sugar content, electrolytes, hyperlipemia, kidney function, liver function, thyroid function, hepatitis ( B , C ), syphilis, HIV infection, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate ), rheumatoid factor, gout. Onco-markers: liver cancer (AFP), intestinal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer (CA19-9), prostate cancer (PSA), ovarian cancer (CA125). Ultrasound of the abdominal organs: liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys.Check blood pressure. Ophthalmology: eye examination, eye pressure measurements. Hearing test Analysis of urine and feces :protein, hidden blood, parasites. Body composition test: body fat percentage, body mass index, degree of obesity, body fat percentage in the waist area, evaluation of the daily diet and consultation with a nutritionist. P entgen thorax. ECG.Pulmonary function test. Check teeth, panoramic picture. Thyroid ultrasound, CT scan of the chest ,abdominal CT scan , PET-CT, Gastroendoskopiya- colonoscopy (tranquilizer).
Women : mammogram , breast ultrasound, gynecological ultrasound
Men: Ultrasound of the prostate gland |
Cost of the program
For men
2,129,600 won approximately $ 2,009
For women
2,217,600 won approximately $ 2,092 | |
Cerebro vascular system
| Complete blood count: anemia, blood coagulation, leukocytes, platelets, blood group, sugar content, electrolytes (Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, Mg), hyperlipemia, kidney function (BUN, creatinine), liver function (AST, ALT , GGT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, total protein, A / G ratio), thyroid function (T3 triiodine-tyranin, T4 free thyroxin, T TG), hepatitis ( B , C ), syphilis, HIV infection, C-reactive protein, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), rheumatoid factor, gout (uric acid). Onco-markers: liver cancer (AFP), CA15-3 (mammary gland), intestinal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer, (biliary processes (CA19-9), prostate cancer (PSA), ovarian cancer (CA125) . ultrasonography of the abdomen:liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas (amylase), kidneys. Check blood pressure.Ophthalmology: eye examination, eye pressure measurements. Hearing test Analysis of urine and feces : protein, hidden blood, parasites. Body composition test: body fat percentage, body mass index, degree of obesity, body fat percentage in the waist area, evaluation of the daily diet and consultation with a nutritionist. P entgen thorax. ECG. Pulmonary function test. Check teeth, panoramic picture.
Gastro-endoscopy-colonoscopy (with sleeping pills),
ultrasound of the carotid arteries, test for atherosclerosis, homocysteine, MRI / MRA of the head (brain + brain vessels with a contrast agent) |
Cost of the program
For men
1 722 400 won approximately $ 1 624
For women
1 748 800 won approximately $ 1,649 | |
Cardio-vascular system
| Complete blood count: anemia, blood coagulation, leukocytes, platelets, blood group, sugar content, electrolytes (Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, Mg), hyperlipemia, kidney function (BUN, creatinine), liver function (AST, ALT , GGT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, total protein, A / G ratio), thyroid function (T3 triiodine-tyranin, T4 free thyroxin, T TG), hepatitis ( B , C ), syphilis, HIV infection, C-reactive protein, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), rheumatoid factor, gout (uric acid). Onco-markers: liver cancer (AFP), CA15-3 (mammary gland), intestinal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer, (biliary processes (CA19-9), prostate cancer (PSA), ovarian cancer (CA125) . ultrasonography of the abdomen:liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas (amylase), kidneys. Check blood pressure.Ophthalmology: eye examination, eye pressure measurements. Hearing test Analysis of urine and feces : protein, hidden blood, parasites. Body composition test: body fat percentage, body mass index, degree of obesity, body fat percentage in the waist area, evaluation of the daily diet and consultation with a nutritionist. P entgen thorax. ECG. Pulmonary function test. Check teeth, panoramic picture. CT of the coronary arteries, ultrasound of the heart, ultrasound of the carotid arteries, astroendoscopy - colonoscopy (with hypnotic) |
Cost of the program
For men
1 097 600 won approximately $ 1035
For women
1,124,000 won approximately $ 1,060 | |
Digestive system
Complete blood count: anemia, blood coagulation, leukocytes, platelets, blood group, sugar content, electrolytes (Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, Mg), hyperlipemia, kidney function (BUN, creatinine), liver function (AST, ALT , GGT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, total protein, A / G ratio), thyroid function (T3 triiodine-tyranin, T4 free thyroxin, T TG), hepatitis ( B , C ), syphilis, HIV infection, C-reactive protein, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), rheumatoid factor, gout (uric acid). Onco-markers: liver cancer (AFP), CA15-3 (mammary gland), intestinal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer, (biliary processes (CA19-9), prostate cancer (PSA), ovarian cancer (CA125) . ultrasonography of the abdomen:liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas (amylase), kidneys. Check blood pressure.Ophthalmology: eye examination, eye pressure measurements. Hearing test Analysis of urine and feces : protein, hidden blood, parasites. Body composition test: body fat percentage, body mass index, degree of obesity, body fat percentage in the waist area, evaluation of the daily diet and consultation with a nutritionist. P entgen thorax. ECG. Pulmonary function test. Check teeth, panoramic picture. Gastro-endoscopy-colonoscopy (with sleeping pills),abdominal CT scan
Cost of the program
For men
897,600 won about $ 847
For women
924,000 won approximately $ 871 | |
Women's special program
Complete blood count: anemia, blood coagulation, leukocytes, platelets, blood group, sugar content, electrolytes (Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, Mg), hyperlipemia, kidney function (BUN, creatinine), liver function (AST, ALT , GGT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, total protein, A / G ratio), thyroid function (T3 triiodine-tyranin, T4 free thyroxin, T TG), hepatitis ( B , C ), syphilis, HIV infection, C-reactive protein, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), rheumatoid factor, gout (uric acid). Onco-markers: liver cancer (AFP), CA15-3 (mammary gland), intestinal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer, (biliary processes (CA19-9), prostate cancer (PSA), ovarian cancer (CA125) . ultrasonography of the abdomen:liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas (amylase), kidneys. Check blood pressure.Ophthalmology: eye examination, eye pressure measurements. Hearing test Analysis of urine and feces : protein, hidden blood, parasites. Body composition test: body fat percentage, body mass index, degree of obesity, body fat percentage in the waist area, evaluation of the daily diet and consultation with a nutritionist. P entgen thorax. ECG. Pulmonary function test. Check teeth, panoramic picture. . Mammogram, thyroid ultrasound, breast ultrasound, gynecological ultrasound,
bone density, analysis for cervical cancer, anemia, female hormones (3 types), x-ray (cervical, lumbar, knees, shoulders), g astroendoscopy (with hypnotic) |
Cost of the program
1,028,000 won approximately $ 970
+ colonoscopy 1,405,000
1,124,000 won approximately $ 1,060 | |
Pediatric and adolescent survey program
Dentistry, urinalysis, fecal, obesity, analysis of blood (blood, anemia, liver function, kidney function, hyperlipidemia, blood sugar, screening for viral gipatita, ECG, blood pressure, ophthalmic examination (sight inspection for color blindness) , Abdominal ultrasound, x-ray (chest, examination for scoliosis, growth and development test). Oriental medicine examination.
Cost of the program
517,000 won about $ 488
| |
Complete blood count: anemia, blood coagulation, leukocytes, platelets, blood group, sugar content, electrolytes (Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, Mg), hyperlipemia, kidney function (BUN, creatinine), liver function (AST, ALT , GGT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, total protein, A / G ratio), thyroid function (T3 triiodine-tyranin, T4 free thyroxin, T TG), hepatitis ( B , C ), syphilis, HIV infection, C-reactive protein, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), rheumatoid factor, gout (uric acid). Onco-markers: liver cancer (AFP), CA15-3 (mammary gland), intestinal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer, (biliary processes (CA19-9), prostate cancer (PSA), ovarian cancer (CA125) . ultrasonography of the abdomen:liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas (amylase), kidneys. Check blood pressure.Ophthalmology: eye examination, eye pressure measurements. Hearing test Analysis of urine and feces : protein, hidden blood, parasites. Body composition test: body fat percentage, body mass index, degree of obesity, body fat percentage in the waist area, evaluation of the daily diet and consultation with a nutritionist. P entgen thorax. ECG. Pulmonary function test. Check teeth, panoramic picture. Gastro-endoscopy-colonoscopy (with sleeping pills),ultrasound of the carotid arteries, ultrasound of the heart, ultrasound of the thyroid gland,MRI / MRA of thehead (brain + brain vesselswith contrast material)
CT scan of the chest , CT scan of the abdominal cavity
For men: ultrasound of the prostate gland
For women: breast ultrasound, gynecological ultrasound, bone densitometry, cervical cancer analysis
Cost of the program
For men
2,622,400 won $ 2384
For women
2 772 000 won 2 520 $ | |
DELUXE program
Complete blood count: anemia, blood coagulation, leukocytes, platelets, blood group, sugar content, electrolytes (Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, Mg), hyperlipemia, kidney function (BUN, creatinine), liver function (AST, ALT , GGT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, total protein, A / G ratio), thyroid function (T3 triiodine-tyranin, T4 free thyroxin, T TG), hepatitis ( B , C ), syphilis, HIV infection, C-reactive protein, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), rheumatoid factor, gout (uric acid). Onco-markers: liver cancer (AFP), CA15-3 (mammary gland), intestinal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer, (biliary processes (CA19-9), prostate cancer (PSA), ovarian cancer (CA125) . ultrasonography of the abdomen:liver, bile duct, gallbladder, pancreas (amylase), kidneys. Check blood pressure.Ophthalmology: eye examination, eye pressure measurements. Hearing test Analysis of urine and feces : protein, hidden blood, parasites. Body composition test: body fat percentage, body mass index, degree of obesity, body fat percentage in the waist area, evaluation of the daily diet and consultation with a nutritionist. P entgen thorax. ECG. Pulmonary function test. Check teeth, panoramic picture.
Gastroendoscopy-colonoscopy (with sleeping pills), ultrasound of the carotid arteries, ultrasound of the heart, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, MRI / MRA of the head (brain + cerebral vesselswithcontrast agent ), the study of blood supply to the brain (TCD), CT scan of the coronary arteries, chest CT , CT scan of the abdominal cavity , X-ray (neck, lower back, knees, shoulders), bone densitometry, PET-CT, hepatitis A, atherosclerosis test
For men: ultrasound of the prostate gland
For women: breast ultrasound, gynecological ultrasound, cervical cancer analysis, female hormones 3 types.
Cost of the program
For men
3,828,000 won approximately $ 3,611
For women
3,960,000 won about $ 3,736 | |
PET-CT ----------------------------------------------- ------ 1,097,000 won
Thyroid ultrasound ------------- 150,000 won
Ultrasound examination of the prostate gland -------- 160,000 won
Breast ultrasound -------------- 200 000 won. Gynecological ultrasound ---- 90 000 won. Abdominal ultrasound ------------- 309 000 won female ultrasound abdominal cavity ------------- 188,000 won ultrasound of the carotid arteries ----------- 176,000 won
Heart ultrasound -------------------- 230,000 won TCD (brain blood supply test) 160,000 won
CT scan of the abdominal cavity and pelvis --- 441,000 won
CT scan of the chest ------- 370,000 won
CT scan of the heart ---------------- 433,000 won CT scan of the brain -------------------- 366,000 won
Gastroscopy (with sleeping pills) --- 286 000v
Colonoscopy (with sleeping pills) --- 370,000 won
Gastro-colonoscopy with sleeping pills - 520,000 won
MRI of the brain, head and neck vessels - 1 268 000 won
Allergy test --- 316,000 won
MRI of the knees --- 785,000 won (single knee)
X-ray of the knees in two projections - 64,000 won
X-ray shoulders 66,000 won
X-ray of the cervical spine ---- 42,000 won
X-ray of the lumbar spine - 39,000 won
X-ray of the whole spine - 26,000 won
MRI of the cervical spine - 785,000 won
MRI of the lumbar spine - 785,000 won
MRI of the whole spine - 1,172,000 won
Helicobacter test - 48,000 won
Gastroscopy without sleeping pills - 1 35 000 won
Colonoscopy with sleeping pills - 359,000 won
CT scan of the coronary arteries - 428,000 won
Bone mineral density - 100 000 won
Mammogram - 101,000 won
Helicobacter Pylori bacterium test - 48,126 won
Human papillomavirus (HPV) - 98,000 won Homocysteine 44,000 won Allergy (lgE, FX5E, MAST) 320,000 won Male hormones (Testosterone, Prolactine) 62,000 won. Female hormones FSH, LH, E2 86,000 won. |
The University Hospital Gyeonggi has a very high level of diagnosis. At the state level, the strictest quality control and accreditation checks are carried out according to the highest international standard. The Gyeonggi Clinic does not use any developed equipment or outdated technologies. The health status of each resident of Korea is very important, so the laboratory and diagnostic center works in full force, which ensures that the diagnostic equipment is completely loaded. Medical staff serving all types of diagnostic equipment and laboratory research of all kinds, trained in universities and is constantly loaded with practice. Quarterly seminars and refresher courses are held. For diagnostics use only fresh reagents.
Accurate and high-quality diagnostic studies - the key to a correct diagnosis. And the correct diagnosis is the key to proper treatment.
If you have questions or need additional information on the examination or treatment in Korea, I would be glad if you contact me by WhatsApp +1 (903)-662-8517 or by email
Yours Sincerely Joseph E.
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